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               AMAZING FACT ABOUT MR. MODI... 1. YOUNG MODI WANTED TO JOIN ARMY :                 As a child Narendra Modi dreamt to serve in the Indian Army. He wanted to study in Sainik school located nearby Jamnagar but couldn’t join because there was no money to pay the fees at home. 2. LEFT HOME AT THE AGE OF 17 :                  When most teenagers think about their career at the age of 17, Narendra Modi decided to leave home for travelling across India. This decision changed the course of his life as during his travel he came across many cultures of India and met different people. During this period he also visited the Himalayas and spent almost two years as a  sanyasi  with the yogic  sadhus . These travels marked a lasting impression on the young Modi. 3. MODI AS A TEA SELLER :                 Narendra Modi’s father had a tea-stall at the Vadnagar Railway Station in Gujarat and young Narendra Modi often lent his hands in s

AMAZING FACTS ABOUT Mr. Bean....................

               AMAZING FACTS ABOUT MR. BEAN.....                         1. Rowan Atkinson and Britain’s ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, were schoolmates at Durham Choristers School.           When he joined the school, Atkinson was eleven years old and Tony Blair was two years his senior. According to the school’s former headmaster, Canon John Grove, the two boys were quite opposite in their behavior. While Atkinson was shy and kept to himself, Blair was very outgoing and a model pupil who volunteered for everything. 2. Rowan Atkinson has a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from Queen’s College, Oxford.            After he received his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, Atkinson continued studying for a master’s of science in the same field at Queen’s College, Oxford in 1975. His course of study was the same as his father who graduated from there in 1935. He was also made an Honorary Fellow in 2006. 3. Atkinson suffers


                 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT OBAMA.... 1. Born in an isolated volcanic archipelago:          Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii to Stanley Ann Dunham (mother) Barack Obama Sr (father). 2. Broken upbringing:               Barack Obama was only 2 years when his parents got divorced. He spent the majority of his childhood with his mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro and later with his maternal grandparents in Hawaii. 3. Here’s the kindergarten Obama:                Since his kindergarten days, Obama has been good at studies and has been considered an eloquent student throughout his academics. 4. Obama’s previous jobs:                  Obama had worked for many private companies, from Baskin-Robbins to Business International Corporation. He worked at law firms, as a telemarketer, in construction and even sold island trinkets in Hawaii. 5. A vociferous reader:                  He is a prod


                 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS..... 1 Hummingbird Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards and their wings can beat at up to 80 times per second. 2 Poodle Contrary to popular belief, French poodles actually originated in Germany. Maybe you should’ve named her Gretl instead of Fifi. 3 Seahorse               The slowest fish is the seahorse, which moves along at about 0.01 mph. 4 Squirrel         You might want to thank a squirrel the next time you enjoy the shade of a tree. Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels that bury nuts and then forget where they hid them. 9 Turtle      You can tell a turtle’s gender by the noise it makes. Males grunt and females hiss.                                                         THANKS FOR VIEWING MY BLOGS.PLEASE DO COMMENT, SHARE AND LIKE AND ALSO STAY TUNED FOR MUCH MORE TO COME.....


                     AMAZING FACTS OF INDIA... 1. A floating post office:             India has the largest postal network in the world with over 1, 55,015 post offices. A single post office on an average serves a population of 7,175 people. The floating post office in Dal Lake, Srinagar, was inaugurated in August 2011. 2. Kumbh Mela gathering visible from space:                    The 2011 Kumbh Mela was the largest gathering of people with over 75 million pilgrims. The gathering was so huge that the crowd was visible from space. 3. Bandra Worli Sealink has steel wires equal to the earth's circumference:                  It took a total of 2,57,00,000 man hours for completion and also weighs as much as 50,000 African elephants. A true engineering and architectural marvel.                4. The highest cricket ground in the world:                               At an altitude of 2,444 meters, the Chail Cricket Ground in Chail, Himach


    10 fun facts of almonds... If you’ve never visited an almond orchard, this is what it looks like:       Almonds are actually in the rose family and are often called “the queen of the rose family.”  The fuzzy hull around the almond nut feels kind of like a peach, and that’s because other family members of the almond are the peach (and the apricot).                    Once off the trees,  the almonds lay on the orchard floor for 5-10 days to dry out. Then the “sweeper” comes to pick them up and take them to the processing plant where they’re separated, hulled, shelled, sorted, sized and packaged. The fuzzy hulls are sold to dairy farms for animal bedding or burned for biofuel.                      Here are some amazing funny facts about almonds: Almonds need really hot weather and cool winters to grow They are 100% reliant on wild bees and honey bees for crop pollination  —  No bees, no almonds Almond growers rent bees for pollination and